CTA member Wrightsure has provided the following update to coach tour operators following the withdrawal of Ergo/Great Lakes Insurance UK from the coach tourism market.

Andrew Day, Wrightsure, writes:

“The recent withdrawal from the AR Travel Insurance distribution model by the leading provider of coach holiday travel insurance to the UK coach tourism industry has had a profound impact on coach tour operators and their clients.

“Over the course of the past seven or so weeks, Wrightsure have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to source replacement insurer capacity. We are currently engaging with a number of potential insurers and our negotiations and discussions continue at pace.

“The actions which have been taken to-date have caused significant ripples throughout the travel insurance marketplace, which wasn’t exactly awash with a high number of ‘participating’ insurers before this chain of events unfolded. This means that those insurers who do remain are taking a much more cautious approach. This has increased timescales significantly. However, our discussions with the market generally are progressing in a very positive and constructive manner, although we have recently been provided with indicative rates which, in the main, are unworkable from a pricing perspective. This is disappointing.

“Notwithstanding, our discussions with the remaining two insurers are showing signs of possible conclusion imminently. Whilst the delays are extremely frustrating, I believe we are now starting to see additional light at the end of the tunnel.

“In the meantime, I have taken the decision to increase my working hours to help support anyone who requires urgent assistance in sourcing appropriate insurance cover for their forthcoming coach holiday. I can be reached on (01329) 820762 between 17:00 & 20:00 Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays; 10:00 until 18.00 Saturdays; and 10:00 until 13:00 on Sundays, until further notice. You can also e-mail andrewd@wrightsure.com