COVID-19 Updates – week commencing 10/08/20

More updates of developments from the government and various links to interpretation and guidance.

Go to date:

10 August 2020

12 August 2020


10 August 2020 …

Tourism Alliance updates:

LGA Guidance to Local Authorities on Outdoor Events

The LGA has just published new guidance for local authorities on staging outdoor events. The guidance has been produced in response to concerns that different councils were taking different approaches when assessing applications and emphasise that current government guidelines allow for outdoor events that are organised by businesses, charitable organisations, and public bodies to take place provided they have carried out a thorough risk assessment and taken all reasonable steps to mitigate the risk of viral transmission, taking into account that risk assessment, in line with COVID-19 Secure guidance.

Preston Included in Lockdown Area

Preston was added to the North West Lockdown area on Friday night and this area is subject to the same rules and restrictions as the other areas in the North West lockdown area.

Small Business Grant Fund

The guidance for the Small Business Grant Fund has been amended to state that Town and Parish councils are eligible if they meet all the scheme criteria. However, they are not eligible for the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant.

Home Testing Service

The Government has introduced home testing whereby home test kits can be delivered to someone’s door so they can test themselves and their family without leaving the house. Home test kit availability will be initially limited, but more will become available. The results of the test should be available within 3 days. To support the introduction of home testing there is also a video and a step-by-step guide. This will be very useful for businesses where staff think that they may have Coronavirus rather than self-isolating.


12 August 2020 …


Tourism Alliance updates:


Eat Out To Help Out Take-Up

HM Treasury has published figures that show that there has been a very high take-up of the Eat Out to Help Out initiative. After the first week of operation 83,000 business premises had signed up to the scheme and 10.5m covers claimed for with a value of £53.7m. However, what is noticeable is that only 22,000 business premises had put in claims. It may well be that other businesses used the scheme last week and haven’t yet put in claims, meaning the take-up was even larger.

What is also interesting in the HMRC update is that the number of people on furlough has not changed from the 9.6m recorded last week and is greater than the 9.3m people that were on furlough before most parts of the tourism and hospitality industry reopened on 4th July. However, the amount claimed through the scheme was only £0.9bn last week compared to £2.1bn the week before and £1.9bn the week before that, which suggests that many of those on furlough are now on flexible furlough rather than fully furloughed.

BEIS Webinars

BEIS are running a series of webinars on various Coronavirus Support Schemes

Extension to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and flexible furloughing webinar

Dates: Wednesday 12 August 2:15-3:15, Thursday 13 August 09:45-10:45 and Friday 14 August 2:15 – 3:15.

Register here.

Eat out to help out scheme webinar

Wednesday 12 August 3:45-4:40.

Register here.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Self-Employment Income Support Scheme, Universal Credit and Child Benefit webinar

Tuesday 18 August 2:15-3:00, Wednesday 19 August 3:45-4:30, Thursday 20 August 11:15-12:00 and Friday 21 August 09:45-10:30.

Register here.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme webinar

Thursday 20 August 12:45-1:30.

Register here. 

Travel Corridor Changes

Brunei and Malaysia added to travel corridor list from today, meaning that visitors from these destinations will no longer need to self-isolate for 14 days, so long as they haven’t been in, or transited through, any other non-exempt countries in the 14 days preceding their arrival.

Shop Local Week

This week is Shop Local Week – the latest part of the government’s Enjoy Summer Safely campaign. This campaign, along with “Eat Out to Help Out” is designed to rebuild consumer confidence by encouraging people back out onto the high street. The emphasis is on protecting jobs and the heart of local communities.

Updated Visa Guidance

The Home office has updated it’s visa guidance for those people coming to the UK via the Global Talent, Start-Up and Innovator visa routes to say that if an endorsement has expired because the person has not been able to travel to the UK, they may still be eligible for a visa.

Updated Q&A on RDPE Growth Programme Funding

If there is anyone who is involved in a RDPE project or is putting in a bid in as part of the Round 3 call, DEFRA and MHCLG have updated their Q&A to provide guidance if there are Covid-related issues associated with completing projects or submitting bids.


Updated Guidance to Businesses

The Government has updated the guidance to businesses in a number of issues

Multiple Households

The guidance on gatherings of multiple households has been updated to say that businesses that are found to operate in a way that increases the risk of transmission (for example by facilitating indoor gatherings between multiple households) can be closed by Local Authorities under the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 3) Regulations 2020

Consulting with Employees

The Guidance on consulting with employees regarding returning to work has also been updated to state that the decision to return to the workplace should be made in meaningful consultation with workers (including through trade unions or employee representative groups where they exist). A meaningful consultation means engaging in an open conversation about returning to the workplace before any decision to return has been made. This should include a discussion of the timing and phasing of any return and any risk mitigations that have been implemented. It is vital employers engage with workers to ensure they feel safe returning to work, and they should not force anyone into an unsafe workplace.

Protecting Vulnerable Staff

The guidance has been updated to state that while clinically vulnerable people can now return to work, if they cannot work from home, they should be offered the option of the safest available on-site roles, enabling them to maintain social distancing guidelines (2m, or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable). It may be appropriate for clinically extremely vulnerable individuals to take up an alternative role or adjusted working patterns temporarily.

HMRC Webinars

HMRC has posted a new webinar regarding the recent changes to the SEISS scheme whereby some parents can now claim support (mainly around the issues of maternity/paternity leave). This and a range of other webinars are available on the following link.

They are also inviting people to attend future webinars on a range of subjects. Each webinar (except the Sick Pay Scheme) has a series of alternative dates. If you would like to attend you can register via the links below.


Self-Employment Income Support Scheme, Universal Credit and Child Benefit

Extension to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and flexible furloughing

Eat Out to Help Out

Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme

Transport Use

DFT have published the latest weekly data on transport use in the UK. The data show that while private vehicle, commercial vehicle and truck use have returned to normal levels, people still have considerable concerns regarding the use of public transport. National Rail usage is still down 75%, while bus use is down 47% in London and 61% outside London. This has significant implications for destinations that rely on public transport for carrying visitors to/from and around the destination.  There are also implications for parking and traffic management in popular rural and seaside destinations.

Impact on the UK Economy

You will have no doubt seen the headline GDP figures released this morning which made pretty grim reading. However, on table in the ONS’s report that makes the point regarding the recovery of the tourism industry being a lot more delayed than other sectors of the economy is Figure 8 which shows that accommodation in June 2020 was 92.2% below February 2020, and food and beverage services is 83.4% below February 2020. Obviously this is because the tourism sector didn’t really open until 4th July but it does highlight the difference in recovery between the tourism sector and other parts of the economy.

Guidance on School Transport

The Government has published guidance on school transport and managing demand.