CPT reports that following discussions with DfT, it believes that private hire day trips can proceed in England before Step 3 (17 May), if they can “share the characteristics of scheduled services” as well as operating in a Covid-safe manner under the existing Safer Transport guidance.

In its latest update, CPT says: “Following our discussions with officials we are also of the view that coach day trips/excursions which share the characteristics of scheduled services (scheduled timings, pre-arranged drop-off/pick-up points etc) will also fit within the guidance and therefore can continue to operate.

“The definition of a scheduled service that the Department has provided to us is one “from a designated starting point to a designated destination point, with fixed designated intermediate stops where different passengers may board or disembark”.

“These services are interpreted as performing a public transport function and day trips meeting this definition are therefore permissible.

“We remind members that the Safer Transport Guidance still applies and should be followed at all times, and also that the Governments overarching message to minimise travel will remain until at least step 3 of the Roadmap

“It should also be noted that because of Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) guidance to the Visitor Economy, many venues and attractions may not allow people to travel there on an organised coach trip.