The Prince Of Egypt, based on the classic DreamWorks Animation film, returned to London’s Dominion Theatre on 1 July 2021 with standing ovations and an extended 14-minute curtain call. Having been turned down by UK Government for a Culture Recovery Fund grant, producers Michael McCabe and Neil Laidlaw spoke of their long and difficult battle to bring the production back to the stage. With no insurance against any future COVID-related shutdowns and now at the mercy of the Contact Tracing rules – which could temporarily shut the production at any time – the future remains “fragile”.  They celebrated their pride at mounting the show in London, employing UK businesses and supporting the UK economy and their subsequent shock at the Government’s failure to provide the production, which is one of the industry’s biggest single employers, with any direct support.

 The Grammy Award nominated musical is now booking until Saturday 8 January 2022. Performances until Saturday 4 September 2021 are all currently expected to operate with socially distanced audiences and, thereafter, in accordance with Step 4 protocols (full capacity but in compliance with UK Government public health guidance). Should current restrictions be lifted earlier, the production will revert to full capacity as soon as practicably possible. The Dominion Theatre Box Office opens daily on performance days at 12 noon. Tickets are available now for all performances via