COVID-19 Updates – week commencing 07/06/21

More updates of developments from the government and various links to interpretation and guidance.

Go to date:

7 June 2021

8 June 2021


7 June 2021 …

Tourism Alliance update

The Tourism Alliance received almost 500 responses to its employment survey and here is a copy of the findings which highlight a number of significant issues facing businesses as they reopen.

  • 46% of businesses have less staff than they did pre-covid
  • Only 18% of businesses report that they have all the staff they need.
  • The average businesses currently has 9 vacancies
  • Almost 30% of businesses have reduced capacity, services or hours because of the shortage of staff
  • Despite restrictions such as social distancing and capacity reducing the financial viability of businesses, 34% of all operators report that they are having to increase wages in order to attract staff
  • 35% of businesses are having to employ people who don’t have the skills that they need

Northern Ireland Tourism Alliance updates:

NI Updates

  • Vaccination Programme – There have been 1,790,718 vaccination doses administered 39% of which are second doses. 75% of the adult population have received at least their first dose.
  • Tourism NI has announced their first ever virtual NI Tourism Conference which will be broadcast from the ICC Belfast on 14th June, 10am – 12 noon. The theme of this year’s conference is Survive, Revive, Thrive. Over the course of two hours TNI will reflect on the past year and discuss opportunities ahead as we embark together on our journey to recovery. The TNI team will provide updates on the following areas:Tourism Recovery Action Plan; Market opportunities; What Tourism NI is doing to support you; How you can get involved and play your part. There will also be an industry panel discussion and there will be the opportunity for you to submit questions throughout the session. This virtual event is free to attend and open to all in the NI Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Register your place at
  • Tourism Ireland’s Covid-19 Tracker is attached. Please note that on the first paragraph of the Island of Ireland Tourism Update (on page 1) only refers to GB travellers to the RoI. As of 27th May the advice to self-isolate for visitors from GB to NI travelling for a holiday has been removed.
  • Green Button Campaign – Following the news that the RoI will be adopting the EU digital certificate from 19th July, Tourism Ireland are now preparing to roll out a major promotional kick-start campaign – ‘The Green Button’ – to entice and welcome back overseas visitors. The campaign will deliver a very clear ‘book now’ message to prospective visitors and will single-mindedly drive visitor numbers back to Ireland. They will be communicating with the industry on the island of Ireland about the roll-out of the campaign and the creation of a new toolkit of ‘Green Button’ assets.
  • The ‘Belfast Cycling Network’ –  following a public consultation The Infrastructure Mallon published a blueprint for the development and delivery of coherent, connected and safe infrastructure for everyday cycling in the city over the next ten years. The Network includes proposals for around 180 kilometres of arterial and orbital routes right across the city that will bring good quality cycling infrastructure within 400 metres of around three quarters of all Belfast City Council residents. More details at Making Belfast an Active City – Belfast Cycling Network 2021 | Department for Infrastructure (


Other updates:

  • The EU Settlement Scheme and Northern Ireland: Online Event – 9 June 2021 – Please note that Home Office Engagement team are hosting an online session on Wednesday 9 June from 2-3pm on the EU Settlement Scheme and what it means for people in Northern Ireland. The hour-long online session will include the following:

o   An overview of the EU Settlement Scheme and who needs to apply

o   What the Scheme means for EU nationals living in Northern Ireland

o   A walk through of the application process

o   An update on applications from Northern Ireland so far

o   Information on recruiting from the EU in the future

o   Information on how businesses can support their EU National staff

o   Information on Settled/Pre-Settled Status

o   Support available in Northern Ireland

Registration for the session is now open, via Eventbrite at


8 June 2021 …

Tourism Alliance updates:

New Entry Restrictions for France

The travel advice for France has been updated to take into account of new testing requirements that the French Government are introducing on 9th June for people travelling from the UK. From this date, people will be able to take a PCR test within 72 hours of departure, or an antigen test within 48 hours of departure. There will be random antigen testing for unvaccinated arrivals.

Those that are fully vaccinated will need to have proof of a negative PCR test within 72 hours of departure, or an antigen test within 48 hours of departure. However, they will not need to justify an essential reason for travel or to self-isolate on arrival. The French Government recognises the following vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson (the vaccines recognised by the European Medical Agency).

“Fully vaccinated” is defined by the completion of a vaccination schedule, specifically:

  • 2 weeks after the second dose of Pfizer, Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca
  • 4 weeks after the single and only dose of Johnson & Johnson
  • 2 weeks after the single dose of any of the above vaccines if you have previously tested positive for COVID-19

Children under the age of 18 years old, who are travelling with fully vaccinated adults, will be exempt from requirements to self-isolate and provide an essential reason for travel, regardless of whether the minor has been vaccinated or not.

Travel Industry Day of Action

Trade bodies from across the aviation and travel industries are coming together for a travel industry day of action (#traveldayofaction) on 23 June to put pressure on the UK Government to support a safe return to international travel in time for the peak summer period.

The day of action will be calling on the UK Government to:

    • Allow international travel to return safely and in a risk managed way by properly implementing the Global Travel Taskforce’s plan.
    • Bring forward a package of tailored financial support to recognise that the unlocking of international travel, and hence businesses’ ability to trade and generate income, will be much slower than first anticipated, and more gradual than for businesses in the domestic economy.

West End Footfall

Here’s a copy of the latest footfall report from the New West End Company with the data for last week (week commencing 31st May) which highlights the impact the having few international visitors and a cautious domestic market is having on the London retail industry.

The key points are:

    • Footfall was up 11% week-on-week and up 423% year-on-year which is good
    • However it was down 44% compared with 2019
    • And YTD footfall was down 73% compared with the same period in 2019


Debates In Parliament

There are a number of tourism related debates in parliament this week to be aware of

    • 8th June – 11:00am until 11:30am
      • Social distancing restrictions and support for the night-time economy

Westminster Hall Debate supported by Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP (Brighton Kemptown)

    • 8th June – after 12noon
      • Role destination management organisations can have supporting the recovery of the visitor economy from the impact of COVID-19

Lords Oral Questions supported by Lord Ravensdale

    • 10th June – after 9:30am
      • Support for the Aviation, Travel and Tourism Industries

General Debate in the Commons