See below updates we have received from members regarding opening on Mon 19 September:

Historic Royal Palaces

Historic Royal Palaces joins millions of people throughout the world in mourning the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the II.

As a mark of respect all palaces will be closed on Monday 19 September 2022, the day of the state funeral. As Hillsborough Castle will play a part in the historic events that will be taking place over this period, it will be closed until the day after Her Majesty’s Funeral.  The Banqueting House will also remain closed for the duration. For full details of all closures and changes to opening hours please click here.


Devon’s Top Attractions

Clovelly Village  – Open

Buckfast Abbey – Abbey Church open but all shops and Grange Restaurant closed

Donkey Sanctuary – Attraction open but Restaurant and all commercial activity will be closed

Stuart Line Cruises – Open – the coach groups already booked in wanted to keep the booking on the same day.